Party Make Up Tips For Bride – Helpful Guideline
You have met the man of your dreams, fallen in love with him and even got the marriage date fixed. And now, you are eagerly waiting for the day of your union, when the two of you would become each other’s, forever. In the meantime, you have started with the preparations, right from choosing the venue to selecting the bridal dress. Now, have you given any thought to the D-day makeup as well? No? Then, waste no more time and start taking care of yourself from this moment onwards.
However, she also has to make sure that she does not end up looking the same on her engagement as well as the wedding. The best bet to ensure this does not happen will be to go for a bit heavy makeup on the D-day and opt for light makeup on the other ceremonies. In case, you want to get some party makeup tips for the bride, Indian or not, the following lines will prove handy.
Party Makeup Tips For Bride:
* Wash face with cleanser and rub ice over it for 5-10 minutes in breaks. Finally, pat dry your face with a towel.
* After it wipe face with cleansing milk making use of cotton. Thereafter massage face, neck and back with moisturizer.
* After massaging it is time to apply foundation. Take foundation on palm and add some moisturizer to it. Mix the two together and apply the foundation all over your face, neck and back.
* Then take a face brush and use it to apply shimmer powder all over face, neck and back. Follow this with a light application of blush-on, for the most part on the cheekbones, chin and sides of the forehead.
* Then move to the eyes and apply eye-shadow in a shade that goes with the color of attire. Also apply eye-liner and kohl, followed by 2-3 coats of the mascara. Define the eyebrows, with a pencil.
* On lips apply lipstick of the shade that goes with the color of outfit. Give shape to lips with a lip-liner and then use a brush to fill the outline with lipstick. At last apply gloss.
* Do not forget to apply nail polish on nails. Nails form an important part of overall appearance. First clean nails and then apply a nude base coat. After 10 minutes gap apply two more coats of the nail polish. Finally, add another coat of the nude polish and let it dry.
Some Other Tips:
* Always allow 10 minutes gap between two coats of nail paint, to make sure that the previous one is completely dry. This will help avoid the smudging of your nail polish.
* In order to make your lipstick last longer, blot it with a tissue, after the first application. Thereafter, dust your lips with some loose powder and apply the lipstick once again.
* In case you are wearing an Indian outfit, putting a bindi on the forehead, in-between both the brows, will provide a nice touch to the overall makeup. Make sure that the bindi matches the color of your dress.
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