Sarah's choice for Sweet Melissa's Sunday recipe: Fallen Chocolate Souffle Cake.
I think the cake is tasty but not one of the better dense chocolate cakes I have tried. I did get to use my 10" springform pan for the first time. I love taking new cooking ware out of a box...I feel so accomplished! I used a template to make a powdered sugar design and added slices of mango to the top...all I had on hand for fresh fruit was mango so there it is.
I did enjoy the cake and needed a serious chocolate fix. I have to tell you that I made the cake today instead of earlier in the week, which is a disappointment to myself. I swore after I was finished with college I would have all this time to get on top of all my baking challenges. Instead, I feel even further behind.
Friday night, after work, I went to the Movie Julia, and Julie....LOVED IT!!!! Julia Child is my hero and I have long had all of her cookbooks. She didn't even start cooking until she was 32! I am seriously contemplating following Julie's lead and cooking both volumes of Julia's French Cooking cookbooks in 365 days. I have actually been discussing the project and studying all the recipes. Giving myself a deadline could actually work! I have my stepson this weekend so we have been busy. Saturday, much to my disappointment, my daughter Ashley choice to go to the movie inglorious, ingenious, infamous....something, basterds (I am sooo sorry for typing that word on this blog but it was the movie title...I wouldn't even say it out loud when I asked for the tickets) and the movie was absolutely TERRIBLE! Hubby didn't like it but Dustin (stepson) and Ashley (my daughter) found it humorous. Ashley enjoys watching Brad Pitt. I had my eyes closed the whole movie...I couldn't even peek through my fingers! Just HORRIBLE! I should have got up and left but we were sitting in at the top line of seats, the theater was dark and I had a long skirt on that I knew I would trip on the way down if I attempted it in the dark so I suffered through the movie. After the movie, with a terrible head ache, I asked if we could go to Ben and Jerry's for ice cream. You know, Ben and Jerry's only serves simple waffle cones and waffle bowls just like Baskin Robbins??! I am positive that I like the Cold Stone Creamery better because the company made a point of being different and the ice cream combinations are delicious!
Today, Dustin is finishing is pillow. He is 16 years old and wants to learn how to do everything. I am so proud of him. He was camera bashful but here he is working on his pillow, minus his face =):
Thank you Sarah for choosing this week's recipe!
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