Thursday, March 10, 2011


If you're an avid reader of my blog, you'll notice that I have put "I Am Number Four" as number one in my most anticipated films for 2011. And it actually did not disappoint. It's not the best there is but I was entertained.

As expected it has commercial appeal with real life sweethearts Alex Pettyfer and Dianna Agron leading the cast. The story has somehow a Twilight feel with the idea of fitting in and a love story conflict between a normal human and a not so normal one (this time an alien - a good looking one). The film was also action packed with some really nifty and nice action sequences with No. 4 and the equally hot No.6.

Eye candies are abound this film even from the get go as you might be caught salivating with the hot bodies specially that of Alex Pettyfer's. Diana was also hot but I think she was upstaged by # 6 who really kicked butt. # 6 is played by Teresa Palmer.

The movie was actually more like Jumper which I also did like but it has its own appeal. And though the movie has just earned over 46 million in the US box-office in 3 weeks, I really hope it gets a sequel. Story was ordinary but sometimes ordinary is enough to give the thrills. 3.5 popcorns out of 5!

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