Monday, November 1, 2010


After Freego, off I run to catch Premiere A show at SMX Convention Center Function Room 4. Wow, my feet is aching and the day isn't even close to an end. I grabbed Cheese Floss at Bread Talk to nibble along the way. God, I'm hungry.

And so, here I am for the 3rd show for the day. I grabbed a seat almost near the last row. But it was okay. This ticket was just a last minute ticket given to me by a friend. The show has 4 designers lighting up the catwalk. Wonderful sets were displayed by Lyle Ibanez, Noel Crisostomo, Raoul Ramirez and Ronald Annaldo. Prominent on the collections are shades of silver, gray, white and black.\

Chic and sophisticated are some of the words I can relate to with their collections. I did not have much pics as my camera was again a bummer. But overall it was a nice display and a good show.

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