There are different ways to remove tattoo ink. Tattoo ink removal can occur by working to fade away the appearance of the tattoo from the surface of the skin. Or a different approach to remove tattoo ink works within the skin, by breaking apart large beads of ink logged in the skin into smaller ink particles that are removed away by the body naturally.
Colors of Tattoo Ink
Laser tattoo removal works to remove tattoo ink using the second approach of breaking apart ink in the skin. Laser tattoo removal uses beams of light energy to pass through the top layers of the skin, in order to target a particular tattoo ink color within the skin. Lasers only able to target certain colors, and are not effective at removing all tattoo ink colors. Some tattoo ink colors are too similar in color to skin tones, making them difficult to detect and target for removal.
WreckingBalm® tattoo removal works to remove tattoo ink using both surface fading and within the skin approaches. Wrecking Balm® works to remove all tattoo ink colors. Wrecking balm removes tattoos on the surface of the skin, as well as by working down lower in the skin to break apart large tattoo ink particles into smaller pieces that are removed by the body naturally.
Lasers work particularly well to remove tattoo inks professional tattoo artists have tattooed, as the ink is more apt to be at the same depth in the skin. All black tattoos remove well with lasers because the ink is such contrast to skin tones.
Examples of tattoo ink colors lasers are not easy to remove with lasers are green, yellows, oranges, and some red inks. However WreckingBalm® works well to remove these tattoo inks because it is not targeting a specific color it is removing all colors.
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